Exploring calls
Twine provides a list of all calls captured. The latest calls that you were the owner of are listed at the top of the page for easy reference. Below you can see a list of all calls in your workspace, sorted by newest first by default. The list if able to be filtered by a subset of call owners if you'd like to only see your team's calls.
Call details and context
Twine provides the necessary context for every call. Often just viewing a key moment doesn't provide enough information to understand the full discussion. Each call page includes:
Name: a brief description of the call
Date: when the call occurred
Participants: all participants who joined the call
Call owner: who owned the call capture from your team
Summary: a detailed summary of what was discussed on the call
Intel: a list of all product intel extracted from the call
Customer: the customer name and a link to their detailed page
Opportunities: list of all opportunities at the time of the call, including...
Deal amount
Deal status
Deal stage
Close date
Opportunity owner
Link to call: a link to the full call in Gong if that was the source