Reviewing recent intel
Twine's intel page shows a list of recently extracted intel. This is a great place to start your day and see the latest intel heard from customers. Each intel in the list includes:
Title: a short description of the intel extracted
Summary: a more detailed explanation of what was learned
Intel type: product feedback, urgent blocker, competitive intel, or customer love
Date: when the call occurred
Call name: a short description of the call
Customer: the name of the customer captured from the CRM
The list is sorted by newest first by default, but can be toggled to oldest first. The type filter can be used to drill down on specific intel types.
Clicking on a listed intel will take you to the intel page.
Understanding each intel
On the intel detail page you'll find more details about the specific intel extracted. Every intel, regardless of which type it is, consists of the following:
Summary: an explanation of what was learned
Video clips: automatically extracted video clips of the relevant moments on the call
Transcript: what the customer actually said in the extracted video clip
Call: a link to the call this intel came from
Intel type: product feedback, urgent blocker, competitive intel, or customer love
Customer: the customer name and a link to their detailed page
Date: when the call occurred
Mentions: a list of all digests this intel has been referenced in