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Objective customer research at scale
Objective customer research at scale

Integrate your GTM team seamlessly into your product discovery process.

Brian Swift avatar
Written by Brian Swift
Updated over a week ago

By connecting your roadmap, CRM, and customer calls, Twine is able to give you superpowers to make certain workflows so much easier than before. While Twine will never replace the power of a great researcher, it can do a lot of the operational heavy lifting for you and give everyone the ability to contribute to the research process.

Tap into data that already exists

Your GTM team has likely already accrued a wealth of knowledge from customers for the feature that you are exploring. To tap into it, create a feature in Twine with the "Exploring" status. Add some basic information in the About section so they know the basics of the feature. Then, importantly, add the problem statements so Twine understands what this feature is attempting to solve for customers.

Once the problem statements are added, go to Related Intel and you'll see all moments in past calls where customers discussed these problems! Just like that, within seconds, you have a start point of clips to watch and dive into.

Send a targeted request for questions

While this is a great starting point, you will almost certainly need more focused product discovery. Create an announcement for the feature with some context about what you're trying to achieve and list out specific research questions you want the team to ask.

These announcements can be targeted to avoid making too much noise. Twine will show you a list of team members who own the relationship with customers who have mentioned these problems in the past. A custom Slack message will be sent to them reminding them which customers they should prioritize. If you want to go more broad with your research, you can always share the same prompts in a public Slack channel.

Set up a digest for the feature

Once the announcement is sent, configure a digest for this feature to be sent every week. You can rank the feedback by frequency, account value of the customer, or opportunity size of deals that are active. And that's it! Get back to work and Twine will operate in the background, extracting any intel related to your feature based on the questions asked on customer calls and every Monday morning you'll have a new digest ready and waiting for you to review.

Make more informed decisions

We know that product teams have so much to juggle, and spending time organizing this kind of research can be quite tedious and time consuming. By using Twine you'll be able to focus your energy on thinking about the solution with a more informed perspective that your GTM teams will believe in and support!

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