Thematic digests

The top feedback themes relevant to your team, delivered where you work

Keep an eye on your product area. Monitor your domain closely. Make decisions backed by user needs.

Reclaim 10+ hours per week, per employee

Automate feedback gathering, theme finding, and problem validation. Let your best people to focus on strategy and selling, not spreadsheets.

Focused reports

Tailored digests for your area, team, or customer segment.

Focused reports

Automate feedback reporting

Surface patterns from all customer conversations effortlessly.

Automate feedback reporting

Impact metrics

Link issues to affected deals for revenue-driven decisions.

Impact metrics

Delivered to you

Get updates where you work, no extra logins needed.

Delivered to you

Team-specific intel, company-wide alignment

Empower every role, unite your organization


Quantify opportunities with actionable themes from every call. Link initiatives to revenue. Understand pain points through shareable clips.


Sales & Customer Success

Gauge issue impact across accounts. Advocate with revenue-linked evidence. Unblock deals by connecting product gaps to value.

Sales & Customer Success


Drive strategy with real-time market insights. Align product and GTM teams. Optimize resources by quantifying initiative impact.


See beyond,
Understand why

Go from surface theme to the root cause. Trace every signal to its source for a complete understanding that drives strategic decision-making.

Go deep

Explore specific trends, understand customer needs in detail.

Automate feedback reporting

Data 🤝 Context

Identify most affected segments, find root causes.

Data 🤝 Context

Traceable, objective

Trace every theme back to its source. Hear it from customers.

Traceable, objective

Real-time market pulse

Stay agile with fresh data from latest customer interactions.

Real-time market pulse